Online Camp Registration

Hope Valley is a non profit organization that offers a free day camp program to our local children. If you would like to make a donation, more information will be provided in your confirmation email.

You can register your child for a camp session by filling out the registration form below.

Swimming Lessons are available this year, after camp hours. The cost is $75 per camper. Click here for more information.

Camper #1 Information

Please fill out even if child has attended previously. (ALLERGIES, PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS, BEHAVIOURAL OR SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS, ETC); Please understand that if your child requires any special supervision at school, you must provide the same at camp, and we reserve the right to send campers home at our discretion.

Family / Contact Information:

Alternate Contacts: (In case we can't reach you)


  • I agree to not send my child to camp with any COVID-19 related symptoms.
  • I hereby give my consent for my child to attend Hope Valley Day Camp and participate in the programs. In case of a medical emergency, I give permission to the physician selected by Hope Valley Day Camp to hospitalize and administer proper treatment for my child(ren).
  • I hereby give permission to have my child’s photograph or video used in any promotional material Hope Valley Day Camp may produce. No Camper names are ever used.
  • Hope Valley is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Hope Valley will not be held responsible for a child who has been given permission to walk home from the bus stop, if the parent/guardian is not present.
  • I have read this entire form & fully completed all sections and I further understand that an incomplete registration form may be returned to me at the address given & that my child will not be registered until Hope Valley confirms the registration.
